WordPress启用Redis Object Cache这个插件后会在我们页脚自动添加<!–Performance optimized by Redis Object Cache. Learn more: https://wprediscache.comRetrieved 7176 objects (753 KB) from Redis using PhpRedis .–> 推广信息,免费给人家打广告不是我们的风格,删除Wordpress插件 Redis Object Cache 网页源代码页脚的推广信息,其实方法挺简单的找到以下文件,注释一部分代码即可解决。
方法1、宝塔登陆后台,找到Redis Object Cache 插件的路径,如下路径:wp-content/plugins/redis-cache/includes/class-plugin.php。
方法2、进入WP的后台-插件-插件编辑器,右上方选择Redis Object Cache插件,选择includes下的class-plugin.php进行修改。
方法3、直接FTP连接服务器,找到路径 wp-content/plugins/redis-cache/includes/class-plugin.php 进行修改即可。
$message = sprintf( 'Performance optimized by Redis Object Cache. Learn more: %s', 'https://wprediscache.com' ); if ( ! WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped printf( "\n<!-- %s -->\n", $message ); return; } $bytes = strlen( serialize( $wp_object_cache->cache ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.serialize_serialize $debug = sprintf( // translators: %1$d = number of objects. %2$s = human-readable size of cache. %3$s = name of the used client. __( 'Retrieved %1$d objects (%2$s) from Redis using %3$s.', 'redis-cache' ), $wp_object_cache->cache_hits, function_exists( 'size_format' ) ? size_format( $bytes ) : "{$bytes} bytes", $wp_object_cache->diagnostics['client'] ); printf( "<!--\n%s\n\n%s\n-->\n", $message, // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped esc_html( $debug ) );